Directions to parkers maple barn
Directions to parkers maple barn

directions to parkers maple barn

If you can’t find maple sugar near where you live, though, you can find it online. If you don’t live near a maple sugaring area, though, you might be able to find maple sugar at a specialty foods store. If you live near a place where maple syrup is made, the best and cheapest place to find maple sugar is at a local sugar house. Maple sugar isn’t as popular as maple syrup, so it isn’t quite as easy to find. Another bonus of using maple sugar is that you don’t have to use any refined, processed confectioner’s sugar to make these truffles.

directions to parkers maple barn

It would be pretty hard to find the right balance between having enough maple flavor and having a sticky, runny mess using the syrup.

directions to parkers maple barn

While you could try making the filling for these homemade truffles with maple syrup, using maple sugar will give the best maple flavor and the best texture. Last year I made a batch of maple sugar snow candy and this year to satisfy my maple cravings, I decided to make a maple cream filling for some dark chocolate maple homemade truffles. February can be a pretty drab, dismal month, but there is one thing I always look forward to this time of year – maple sugaring season! It’s still a bit early for the real sugaring season, but my cravings for maple-flavored treats are already going into overdrive.

Directions to parkers maple barn