In economics, there are four factors of production: land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship. Factors of production are economic resources used to create goods and services. Output production is dependent on the available factors of production. An economy's GDP is the level of output an economy produces in a given period. What is the definition of factors of production? Let's start from the view of the whole economy. Keep reading to learn more about factors of production in economics, the definition, and more! Factors of Production Definition All economic output is produced as a result of the combination of different factors of production, which makes them a crucial part of any business and economy at large. In economics, these ingredients are referred to as factors of production. Thinking of trying out a new recipe? What is essential for you to get started on this recipe? Ingredients! Similar to how you need ingredients to cook or try out a recipe, the goods and services that we consume or that are produced by the economy also need ingredients. Price Determination in a Competitive Market.Market Equilibrium Consumer and Producer Surplus.Determinants of Price Elasticity of Demand.Cross Price Elasticity of Demand Formula.Effects of Taxes and Subsidies on Market Structures.Monopolistic Competition in the Short Run.

Monopolistic Competition in the Long Run.Behavioural Economics and Public Policy.